You don't normally think of a German electric company as being a gigantic group of adorable people - but it turns out they are. We are all, apparently, getting a 5% rebate this month. So, to advertise, the company plastered these rubber duckie magnets on these round billboards all over town. I got a picture of them setting up and then a picture later, after some duckies had been taken by enthusiastic energy customers.

I believe the idea was that you would take your duck home as a reminder of how awesome the electric company is. Don't worry, dear readers, I did grab a duck, and it is happily holding stuff up on our refrigerator.
I took a single duck, since I am a very classy - only touch the brownie that you are going to eat - kind of lady. However, this woman with a baby in a stroller and a little boy took a whole pond of ducks! I took a picture of it, just so you would know. She stashed several of them with the baby in her stroller. You better have like 7 more kids at home, lady!

As for my duck, my husband and I have come to a disagreement. He thinks that it should stay as a magnet on the fridge. I thought it should go into the bathroom so as to fulfill its rubber duckie duties as originally intended. Nevertheless, my husband insists that electricity (and thus energy company rebate advertisement ducks) and water don't mix, so the duck should remain in the kitchen. It's a tough dilemma, but he does have a point.
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